PHP is one of the most commonly used web development languages. It’s quite popular because it is free software, which you can use to develop responsive sites such as community sites, shopping portals or online teaching websites rather than static HTML sites. A PHP module must be activated on the server where a PHP-driven website is hosted so that its PHP code can be ‘decoded’. As there are no license taxes for such a module and the language provides limitless options for the Internet applications that you develop, there are hundreds of millions of PHP sites. In addition, there’re a multitude of PHP scripts, which you can use for your sites without needing to possess any coding knowledge. Considering the fact that there’re a number of versions of PHP, you must make sure that the exact same version that you used while building your website is installed on the server as well.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Cloud Hosting

With our cloud hosting, you’ll be able to choose the version of PHP that will be enabled for your shared account, since several versions are supported on our servers. With just one click, you will be able to switch between PHP 4, 5, 7 and anytime a new version is unveiled in the future, we will include it in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel without removing the earlier ones. Thus, you’ll be able to host all the websites that you have developed throughout the years. In stark contrast to many other web hosts, we will not compel you to update such sites, because a script may be outdated, but this doesn’t mean that it’s vulnerable since you may have implemented modifications to its code to patch security loopholes. For your convenience, you’ll even be able to select a different version of PHP for each individual site hosted in your account.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

We are of the staunch opinion that years spent creating a site shouldn’t go down the tube, which implies that in case you purchase a semi-dedicated server from us, you’ll be able to run any script, new or old. Unlike lots of web hosting companies, we support a number of different PHP versions on our avant-garde cloud hosting platform – 4, 5 and 7. Not only will you be able to activate the version that you need from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, but you will also have the possibility to select a different PHP version for each individual website. This can be accomplished merely by placing an .htaccess file inside the given site’s root directory. You can change the version both for a single site and for the account itself and the update will be applied in only several minutes. With our web hosting services, you can rest assured that you won’t ever stumble upon any website incompatibility complications.